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Old 08-01-2011, 04:41 AM
Omaquilts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 29

Just started my granddaughter this week with charm squares making coasters. We chalk-lined the sewing lines and it was amazing by the third coaster, she was doing quite well. So...everyone got coasters this week. Then I purchased some Debbie Mumm fabric on the clearance rack that had lines running through it. We just sandwiched it with flannel and another DM on the back. It was great for her. She got really good at following the lines. She made a "quilt" out of it. We just folded over the edges twice instead of binding.

She lives 1000 miles away and was so sad to leave. We had gotten her a child's sewing machine and it worked okay, but within a couple of hours she was ready to move on to the big machine. FYI...I don't know about other makes, but the Bernina has a "safety attachment" that can be added to the machine. I just happened to come across one when I was out in CO last winter. It keeps the fingers safe. Our granddaughter is just 8, and is so in love with sewing...too bad her mom isn't interested. All she wanted to do growing up was bounce a basketball. Guess that was okay since it got her a college scholarship.
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