Old 08-01-2011, 07:38 AM
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Location: Cadillac, MI
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Rita's mom, glad you checked in. Be sure to pop over to the August thread and sign up.

There's nothing good to be said about a five pound gain, but don't beat yourself up. As a former winner, you know how to get rid of it. I know you can't walk at home, but how 'bout at the fairgrounds?

Whatever I'm reacting to is still going on. My bony hands looks stumps. My extremities are completely covered in a blotchy rash, but there's only on blister that opened up on my arms, not like my legs. Looked on the Internet last night and it looks the most like chigger bites. Nothing was said about a systemic reaction with the whole body involved. I restarted my Valtrex last night. It feels like shingles with nerve pain involved. I've had shingles get in my right eye and detach the retina. My oldest daughter has decided I need to see my doctor. I know he will give me steroids, so I'm holding out. My body can heal itself as soon as the reaction stops progressing.

The worst part is I'm probably gaining weight as I am a stress eater and didn't walk the dogs yesterday. Wah, wah, wah. Now I'll stop whining. Thank you for listening. Judy
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