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Old 05-30-2009, 03:25 AM
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I was really shocked when I went in there how low that belly is hanging. Okay flirt enough cam time really!!! Lets just get done!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARLA!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Yes Patches is kyles pony. That was the first horse he ever rode when he was just 9 :) So he was pretty upset when she got so aggressive with him. Only thing I can think of is the poor mare is just so uncomfortable and thats the only way she can express it.

My friend and her daughter wanted to come out last night and camp out with me in the barn. Im so glad now they didnt as they wouldnt have got to see anything!

Star is our last one as Meadow came up open :( Star is just starting to make a bag so I dont think we will see her foal until the end of june. Star foaled during the day last year but had a dystocia so we turned the cam off. Luckily my neighbor came and pulled her foal out as I was home alone
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