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Old 08-02-2011, 10:16 AM
WildberryLadybug's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: B.C., Canada
Posts: 2

Wildberry Farm is the name our our home (back when we had a hobby farm); I have always loved the tradition of naming homes. The two names we came up with were Raven Tree (for a wolf tree on our property where ravens often perch) or Wildberry, for all the wild berries that grow here. The day we moved in I picked wild blackcaps (black raspberries) and made THE best jam ever; that was how we chose Wildberry.

My husband and I met at work but did not date until we both left that company. On our first official date my husband he made such a fuss, fawning over me, telling me how beautiful I was. When I told him it made me very uncomfortable he promised to stop, instead telling me that I was ugly, as ugly as a bug. Next month we will celebrate our 30th anniversary. :-)
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