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Old 08-03-2011, 05:29 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: WV
Posts: 819

As a caver, I go slithering through the underground, and visit bats in their natural habitats. I developed a sincere interest in the critters, and became an amateur bat ecologist. They are fascinating and play an important role in our ecological balance. When time came to get a CB handle, I selected olebat, which has become a screen name anytime a screen name or email is needed. My kids (several thousand 4-H’ers a year) really get a kick out of being able to call their advisor olebat. As an employee of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, I make house calls and answer bat related phone calls. One of the many pleasures I have is making presentations to garden clubs, day camps, library talks, schools, etc., educating the public about our poorly understood flying mammals. The timid call me bat lady. I often remind folks that the name is ole, not old bat. There is an oldbat in our National Speleological Society. Great woman, and much younger than I. (Also a quilter BTW.)
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