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Old 08-03-2011, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by ccthomas
Did you adapt this "one stitch quilting technique" or did someone teach you--your mother or grandmother? Do you not like the multiple stitch method that is always emphasized? is there more control with one stitch?

I am curious as others have posted on the time factor of one stitch?

Again, I really appreciate your sharing your quilting pictures.
I am a self taught quilter. Unfortunately my home country (Germany) does not have a quilting tradition like the US have and before I started quilting in 1989 I didn't even know what a quilt is and I had never seen one. I found a book about quilts in my favourite library and that is how I got hooked to it. My mother and my grandmother both did knitting, embroidery and other crafts.
When I started hand quilting and studied the pictures in my book I tried very hard to put several stitches on the needle because the author emphasised this was the right way to quilt. I never felt comfortable with using a thimble as well. Just before I began my second quilt I found a book written by Barbara Chainey, a very famous quilter, quilt historian and author from UK. It was a great relief to read her statement about doing single stitches for practice first! And she also wrote that is okay to keep that method when it works better for you. Well, I kept that method for me. I have a better control on my quilting stitches and they are more even - and I think I quilt quite efficient. For me the time factor is not so important. But this is just my personal point of view!
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