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Old 08-04-2011, 06:02 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 29

They probably have a "spy" for lack of a better word to collect info. A lot of anti virus programs find this. Generally, its their way to see what type product ads you click on ect.,not your personal data. If you have a good antivirus program I wouldn't worry. As someone else said, the ads pay for it. Its just another form of advertising.

quote=merrylouw]Well, I'm going to try it. Totally FREE hooked me!

Thanks for the link (maybe! lol)[/quote]

I have been getting it for over a year with no problems.

However, a new McAfee download has produced numerous warnings while attempting to view photos on this site. I also get warnings when attempting to view the BHG craft site.[/quote]
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