Old 08-04-2011, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by miriam
WAAAAAAH. WHINE. SNIFFLE. I am suppose to be working extra all week for 2 jobs. I have poison ivy rash REALLY bad. I have a 'new' machine I could actually sew on, one machine that needs tlc to trick it out, a million and one sewing projects cluttering up my sewing room, a million and one things in my head to try to do, a nasty creepy house to clean up, grand kids to play with, etc, etc, etc... and all I do is itch. itch. shower. itch. ooze. itch. sting. ooze. change clothes. ooze. ooze. shower. change the sheets. itch. sting. ooze. change clothes. touch and ooze. I look ready for Halloween. DG (age 4) asked me if I was melting. AND DH has one little tiny poison ivy bump. Everybody else takes Benedryl and sleeps. Not me - I get wired. My mom told me once there was some kind of centennial celebration when her and her 5 brothers and sisters sat on the ground at a park. They all got poison ivy all over their butts. I think I'm going to get a goat to eat that ivy off the fence. Thanks for listening to me vent - I gotta go hang some more sheets.
Geeze Miriam, you are great at describing how it feels to have poison ivy! I am just getting over a much smaller case of poison oak! My poor daughter is also trying to get over a much worse - than I had it - case of poison oak! I was so depressed after loosing my little Tarzan that I went out and trimmed poison oak for 4 hours on our horse trails with a tank top and shorts on! Very dumb! Anyway, I only got it where I got scratched by the branches as they were falling all over me. My horse was eating it as fast as she could and dragging her halter and lead rope all through the stuff. My daughter came over to ride the next day and got the same halter I had used out to put on her horse - and, guess what, she got it really bad all over her arms from that halter! She was not real happy with me!

Oh and Miriam, be careful with scratching that stuff or it could scar!

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