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Old 08-04-2011, 10:32 AM
Granny Quilter
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Originally Posted by thepolyparrot
I like it. I've had memberships for this one, The Quilt Show, Quilt University and The Quilting School and I like all of them.

I let QCA lapse for a while, then I pick it up again. If you do a lot of shopping at Joann Fabrics, the discount card you get with QCA membership can pay the membership fee pretty quickly. (10% off your total purchase) After you've spent $300 at Joann in a year, it's like they're paying you to have the membership for the rest of the year - every time you shop at Joann, you get 10% off. :)
I really like having QNN-tv running - I tend to watch all the old Love of Quilting, Quilt in a Day and Quilting from the Heartland shows mainly to keep me company while I sew. Sometimes, I will go in search of a particular method, though and it's bound to be there on that site.

Navigating that site is a pain in the neck, but it costs so little - or even pays you to have it - that you just live with the poor site design and enjoy the videos.

I also loved The Quilting School - Linda V Taylor's site - for learning specific quilting techniques. Irena Bluhm's series on feathers was what helped turn on that light bulb and show me how to do feathers. Alice Wilhoit's series on needleturn applique was what demonstrated to me how to manage the fabric and actually handle the pieces. Most of the stuff on The Quilting School is translatable from long-arm to free-motion quilting on a domestic machine. The lessons are much more in-depth than a half-hour weekly tv series can manage.
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