Old 08-04-2011, 06:10 PM
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I am just getting over some--there was something in my garden that didn't like me. Problem is--it's not on my hands, arms, or legs, it's on my sides, and right buttock. Oh--and it started under my chin. :roll: I got it through clothing on the lower ones, and the sides baffled me, but I have all too big t-shirts and I reach at the sides to fold them up a lot. That must be how I got it. Mine turned into welts--looked like I'd been beaten. It itched horribly twice a day--I kept Cortisone on it at all times. While it's oozing, Calamine lotion is best. I did go to the doc, and she offered pills and a stronger Cortisone, but I knew it was on the way out, so declined.

Sigh... my garden will just have to do what it's going to do because I don't know what the weed was that did this and I'm not going near it.
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