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Old 08-05-2011, 05:41 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Dillsburg, PA
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Originally Posted by luv-e
The Beatles
Does anyone remember 78's????????
Rosemary Clooney----Come on to My House???
Still have them......
I still have my parent's 78 RPM records. When I was little I used to play them constantly. My favorite was "Tennessee Waltz" by Patti Page. And one day when I was carrying it around I broke it and cried for hours. I had not started kindergarten at the time so I must have been 3 or 4 years old. lol

Another record they had was really cool. It was a color record with pictures on it and both sides were southern blues type songs. I should check it out online...maybe it's worth something except I don't have the sleeve. Our basement flooded right after we moved in here and we had so much stuff in boxes in the basement that we had not brought upstairs yet to put in the rooms. It was about 4-5 inches of water so it soaked through the boxes and ruined some stuff. Of course the records were in the boxes sitting directly on the floor.
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