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Old 08-06-2011, 05:34 AM
Ellen 1
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Originally Posted by dolores
My son and daughter-in-law are expecting my third grandchild Which is going to be a boy. They have two beautiful girls. My son asked if I was going to make a quilt for the baby. I said yes, becaude I msde both granddaughters one. here is a picture of what he wanted the sencond one is what I have gotten done so far. Have a way to go before I finish it. A lot of the details will be added in the quilting. Mind you I had to draw this picture free hand, there is no pattern only the picture to go by. tell me what you think. remember I still have a lot to do to it.
Looks GREAT!! You'd better enter it in a few quilt shows BEFORE baby gets it (your baby...hahaha). Think he'll give it to his baby? haha
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