Old 08-06-2011, 01:16 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 101

when i lived in north carolina, that was close to wanchese, on the outer bankds, they said if the spiders built a web over the grass that we were in for a nor easter, now i did not have a camera then, but i will tell you that the spiders built these funnel webs, and darn if we did not have bad weather, and the when i lived/moved to marshalburg(look up the ponies schakleford/or carrot island) island) /ottway it was just 4 miles from harkers island (with is down east from beaufort north carolina), bonnie the hurricane came over us 5 times, back and forth.
is anyone familiar with the term, i have been mommicked?
very much a nc term
just wondering

key board is not working rite, will change it out

jan in palatka
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