Old 08-06-2011, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by barnbum
I am just getting over some--there was something in my garden that didn't like me. Problem is--it's not on my hands, arms, or legs, it's on my sides, and right buttock. Oh--and it started under my chin. :roll: I got it through clothing on the lower ones, and the sides baffled me, but I have all too big t-shirts and I reach at the sides to fold them up a lot. That must be how I got it. Mine turned into welts--looked like I'd been beaten. It itched horribly twice a day--I kept Cortisone on it at all times. While it's oozing, Calamine lotion is best. I did go to the doc, and she offered pills and a stronger Cortisone, but I knew it was on the way out, so declined.

Sigh... my garden will just have to do what it's going to do because I don't know what the weed was that did this and I'm not going near it.
Sounds like you may have gotten in to nettle( aka stinging nettle ,horse nettle)if you wash it in soap and water you spread it if you itch you spread it . Good luck I think though if you go ahead and treat it like PI it will help.
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