Thread: Rumor Update
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:36 AM
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It is 7:30 pacific time ... west coast, whatever <g>
The baby just spent a minute or more nursing ... he is lining up better with mama and I am thinking (since she stopped eating and was just standing, that he was really getting full).
Then, he did a little buck, walked away and folded his legs under him and laid down ....
If foals are anything like calves, it takes a day or two to get all the coordination that is needed to nurse, clean out, and act "normal".
Once they figure out how to really get a good meal ... it is KATY BAR THE DOOR! They don't take long to get a good meal and will do so more often as they are growing.
And, the mare's bag only has so much room for milk at a time, so he has to eat often to get enough and make the amount of milk he needs to grow on.
With a cow, the bag is three to four times bigger than an adult human head. With the little mare, I am thinking her bag MIGHT be bigger than three good navel oranges ... a cow has four teats ... the horse has two ...
I didn't design them - - I just try to explain it <g>.
Anyway, he looks like he is doing good.
Bummer! I missed seeing the barn door getting opened up ... mom is enjoying the door jam, to say the least.
I am off to set up a gazebo bash at the Post.
Hope my information/input is helpful and accurate.
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