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Old 08-07-2011, 02:53 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 565

Yep that is my 1/8 inch difference. I know it is hard to get everything exact but I want them to be anyway. I will try it the way it is. And maybe as I make more blocks they will work out. I am going to use a sashing and maybe the problem won't be so noticable.
PS not a great speller they need a spell checker here.:-)

Originally Posted by wolfkitty
If you look at the block on the right, the points go to the edge, but on the left block, they don't quite go to the edge. Could that be your 1/8 of an inch difference? I'm talking down the center line - does this make sense? It's very hard to get the exact seam just right. I know sometimes I have trouble with it.
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