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Old 08-07-2011, 04:21 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

I have had my migraines more or less under control for a lot of years, but even today I can not linger in the soap/cleanser/bleach/candle areas of grocery stores. I can smell it as soon as I walk in a few feet, so I know what I want and go straight to it and then leave. Don't have that trouble with CostCo for some reason, could be because it's such a big place, possibly more powerful fans.
No way on earth would I ever want another series of migraines like I used to have. And, unfortunately, can not visit certain family members for more than an hour or so. Much better to get a motel room and meet at restaurants and shopping areas.

When I give something away, I wash it and immediately stick it in a plastic bag fresh out of the dryer. I put on it a sign that says "Sewed by a non-smoking cat" which gets it said.
I don't smoke and do have 2 cats.
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