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Old 08-07-2011, 05:37 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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My Grandma used to boil huge bluish/granite pots of coffee for family groups. She would let smash up a whole egg in the grounds and toss in a touch of salt, then put it all in the pot to boil, no filter or extra part in the pot. Then she'd take it off the fire and let it set for a few moments...I can still smell that marvelous cold morning wake up call.

I use a metal camping percolator, my helpers in a yard sale got rid of my old Corning ware one that I forgot to hide from them. Just said sell everything on the counters I'd left out, and they did, being obedient kids!!

An electric perk doesn't smell up the kitchen, and I love the smell of coffee perking, bacon frying and yeast bread baking.
(Not that I'm ever awake enough in the AM to make yeast bread.)
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