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Old 08-08-2011, 05:29 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Kansas City Mo
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Smoking scents are no worse than animal hair and dander I am a former smoker and have a pet. Allergies are allergies I strongly feel that our world picks on smokers. I havent smoked for many years, my husband who choose to smoke untill the end of his life died of lung cancer. That being said I say you should disclose to people buying your products that you smoke just as pet owners should disclose they have pets and let the public decide what they want to do perhaps at craft fairs you could make up a cutsie sign that says made by a smoker need help in suportting my habit lol I am sure your products are as good as products made in homes with pets and or in a home that uses hair spray or other chemicals just be proud of who you are and the talent you have. I am sure smokers work in factories and they carry the smell of smoke on their clothing , that being said when they return from there smoke break they still have the smoke smell on them snd they are touching many products thaat consumers buy so in a sence they are contaminating the items they touch with smoke. There is no true smoke free enviroments unless you ban everyone from your home or business who smokes or lives with some one who smokes. Smoking can be bad but alcohol kills many people also
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