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Old 08-08-2011, 06:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Montreal
Posts: 376

it isn;t only tobacco that causes sickness it is the thousands of chemicals that are released when a cig is lit - from pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, herbicides etc all thrown on tobacco to maximize growth and minimize productivity loss. Many people are more damaged by this than the tobacco. I have worked as a nurse for 50 years with people dying from tobacco addictions, as young as small babies exposed to second hand smoke to middle agers and seniors going blind, deaf, getting emphysema and horrible cancers of all kinds. The worst was a 19 yr old with his throat and jaw half eaten away by tobacco caused cancer. Tobacco is not a pure product as it was when Native peoples grew and used it for special occasions.
I love teaching people to kick that weed! I do it gently, slowly and people are delighted with themselves when they've beaten "Lady Nicotine" as my father called it. Tho the term brought alarm bells to the beginning feminist I was, I was so delighted he stopped smoking I ignored the chauvinist language.
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