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Old 08-08-2011, 02:19 PM
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I agree that the older folks can learn new technology etc. And yeah some just don't want to learn and that's ok too. I think those that have the I've always done it this way mindset may also be because they think it's the best way. And maybe for them it is.

All of you ladies, I love that you enjoy your technology along with your quilting. From the younger generation (40 year old).

Originally Posted by gaevren
You know, I've never believed the "can't teach an old dog new tricks" saying. I'm only 34 but all of my grandparents and great-grandparents kept learning and doing until the day they died, and the ones that are still living are still learning and doing! One of my great-grandfathers even got his pilot's license and built a his 70s! I remember flying with him, it was great!

I think that many older folks (not all of them of course, and I even know younger people who are this way!) are so used to doing things a certain way that they get into the "this is the way I've always done it so I'm not going to learn a new way" mindset. I think also that too many young people just expect that older folks aren't capable or interested in learning new technologies, which is ridiculous!

You rock ladies! :thumbup:
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