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Old 08-08-2011, 05:54 PM
Ladybuggranny's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: North Texas
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by jpthequilter
I am 81, and adore looking at the photos of quilts! The more the merrier!
By the way, I advise you to look into wireless servers.
They work like a cellphone, only it is an antenna that plugs into a usb port - and the signal floats into the computer through the air, works without wires, even if all the power is off and you are operating on the computer battery!
You pay for some of them by an automatic deduction
out of a bank account.
....and they are usually less expensive!
I am 74 and love my quilting and my computer.
Just wanted to say that I have the wireless is so much faster than dial-up.
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