Old 06-05-2009, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by k3n
OK - logged on this morning and saw a new post on the Who are we thread and someone there said ' great to see your pics, QNC' , so I'm 'pics'? 'C has posted pics?' where, where, where??? Go to recent topics and there they are!!! :D :D :D

Woohoo hip, hip hooraaayyy!!!!!

YOU DID IT!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

I pored over the pics of your cave, investigated every square inch, imagined you mousing away in there, turned on the Xray vision to see the WIP :lol: studied the stash (you can tell a lot about a girl from her stash!),

'I got the moves, baby, you've got the NOTIONS, if we get together we'd be causing a commotion'

- even thought I spotted a photo of you and the K man, definitely spotted pics of the GBs! LOVE Crystal on the karaoke! Then another treat - a headless sock monkey!!!!! Then finally - the piece de resistance - there's Big Ears herself in all her glory!!!! How wonderful to FINALLY see you, girlfriend! (gosh I really AM turning into an American!) :D :D :D

Now - post MORE!!! I want to see EVERYTHING!!!! (Well, maybe not EVERYTHNG lol!)

Oh I'm so excited, I'm going back for another look!!! :D :D :D
Well, I have to give my brother, the lion's share of the credit...tossing some kibble,...what? that's lion food!...
He's fantastic, and stayed here for hours. We had a blast! I get along famously with my brothers. I am their favorite sister. I am their only sister, lol! 5 boys, and little ol' me, right thar in the middle.
You did, you did, you did see the K man...and his bride...before she went 'snow on the roof'. Was a little dark in that pic, but it's a fairly good one, in person.
You got to see 2/4 of my darlings! Crystal has the pipes, for sure! And she's got charm and person-ali-TNT! wonder where she gets all that???? :mrgreen:
That's Mary, on my lap. Did you notice the lashes on the kids? I ain't partial or biased at all...uh-huh, not me...glowing, basking,...drinking in, all the compliments from having bee-u-ti-ful grands. She keeps her mama hopping. What a cutie pie!

'I got the moves, baby, you've got the NOTIONS, if we get together we'd be causing a commotion'

ain't we the rhyming-est bunch, now!!! good one, K!
I agree, that sounds, bout right, right thar!
well, if your 'going-american',...welcome, to our side of the pond, girlfriend! Did I look anything like you imagined?
yup, you saw monkeysue...she was too embarrassed to show her face, what wif no clothes on and all :oops: 8) :lol:
now, you sure you don't want to see EVERYTHING...course, I am not running-bare...(loved little white dove, with a love, big as the sky...la la la!)
got a few more pics of somethin-something...not cave, though.
Thought I would put on another thread. Hope I learned something last night, sure took enuf notes, lol! we'll see :XD:
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