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Old 08-10-2011, 12:05 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by nancia
thank you! thank you! thank you! we are all thoroughly besotted with her! my daughter-in-law says she is 6lbs. cheeks, and 3lbs baby!
AND I GET TO HOLD HER ON AUGUST 19TH!!!!! we are going to dallas!!!!! yeeehaaw!!!! i can not be more excited!!! but, and it's a bigger but than mine, i haven't quilted her quilt yet!! omgoodness, where am i going to get the confidence to do it before the 19th?? i have done 3 other baby quilts and the last one was hideous! and i just finished a doll quilt for a swap. now that i almost know how, i will post pictures. it makes me curious, though, we talk about everything except quilting. is anybody working on anything right now? i have some blocks to finish for a boomerang and olivia's quilt..... so....whatcha doin'?
oh yeah, i forgot to mention, i got into a size 16 skort this evening. down from a 20. and i am now living in one-derland! yippee!!!! gosh, it almost makes me forget my headache. lol. will someone please remind me during the day that i need to get an MRI done? i keep forgetting, except like now, in the middle of the night. and either i've learned to live with the headache, or it really is some better. who knows. have a good day y'all! i'm on a personal high!! yes, i am losing! yes, i am in control of my destiny! and yes, i am a gramma!!!!
I remember when I got into the 100's.I was so excited.As I hadn't seen it in yrs.I just got into a 15/ 16/18 myself.Depending on the clothes and who made them.That's great.Keep going,your doing great.I hope they find why your having headaches.
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