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Old 06-06-2009, 10:40 AM
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KC is just being a hard case to crack :) But she will come around. I am so encouraged that she now turns and faces me. That is why I left on a good note. Usually I get her butt tword me LOL. We are trying to teach her that good things happen when humans appear like fresh water, treats, hay. Her sister is coming a long much faster then KC is. KC goes out all night when Patches comes in so no worry---shes getting plenty of play time! She is a little miffed at her sister being taken away but when they both learn manners and respect they can be back together.

Patches offical due date is June 12th. We were using June 2nd because last year she foaled at 322 days and that was June 2nd. Really hoping she foals soon as we are in a show next weekend and Russ will be home alone

I read him all your comments and he grinned ear to ear. I think you all made his day!

Patches is out eating grass in the pasture *big suprise LOL* all she does is eat! She does look to have dropped even more. I will try and get a picture. When we let KC out tonight we are going to change the light bulb in the stall before Patches goes in. Im going to try a little stronger bulb and see if we can get the color to show
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