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Old 08-11-2011, 06:11 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Posts: 20

Good morning! It's been a long, long time since I've posted. I apologize ... life just isn't cooperating this summer. Now that things are calming down, I'll start mailing everyone's blocks back in the next couple of days -- it was a thrill to receive each person's F8 as it came in the mail. I actually got my F8s in the mail yesterday. (I promise to do better next time!) You should receive them by early next week. My fabric is a gray and black batik. Please use batiks with this but any colors that you want to use. Have a ball with the colors -- I'm hoping for a scrappy, Amish, batiky looking quilt when it's all done. ;-) Thank you again. Even though I haven't been able to participate as I'd planned, this has been a lot of fun! Cindy
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