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Old 08-11-2011, 07:40 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Scollard, with a batik you want amish? I may have trouble with that because my batiks are not subdued by no means. Will see what I can find in the stash.

Glad to hear I am not the only one that is working on getting her blocks out. The good news, I worked on some and have a few ready to go out, bad news, I had to make lemonade out of one of them. Sending her the lemon block, did not realize that the pattern I was using, 4:00 a.m. thing, was for a nine inch when I cut it out. Oh my, so glad I had enough to make another one the correct size. Glad I had just the right brown band fabric. Had a daughter in band for four years, that fabric was easy to match up. It is my understanding that we do not send back the leftovers of the f8 we received, if so, oops, let me know but I have not received mine back so figured this to be the case. I am hard at work. Hope to finish the rest tonight and tomorrow, only 25 more to go, and "I know what I am going to do today as P&F would say."

dogsgod - mess up one you get two
Nurse Bonnie

I did take photos of them, but working on blocks have not posted any yet. Will try when taking a break. I have all the garden caught up, veggies picked and put up, except that delicious rhubarb jam that will be after the blocks. I also have to work this weekend so will be a bit slow.
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