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Old 08-11-2011, 01:17 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Originally Posted by stitchntimesewing
I was invited to my daughters sister in-laws daughters baby shower and went. This is a family that we spend every thanksgiving with and see several times a year at other events. Needless to say I made a baby quilt for the coming baby boy. Their theme of monkeys and jungle was made known to me after I had already started the 9 patch blue blocks. Not a problem. I improvised and used monkeys on the boarders and baby jungle on the back. Here is what made me feel sad. Her husband was there and held it up and she said here is another blanket and sat back down in the box. A couple of gifts shown later and it was a fleece tied blanket with jungle theme. They oohed and aahed and her mother came over and took several pictures. This went on for several minutes. Now I didn't want adoration for the quilt but to have had more of an even aceptance would have been nice. It made me feel like they didn't like it. Well I feel better that I vented. Here is a couple of pics of the quilt. Oh by the way I also made a matching traveling changing pad and bought a jungle babies mobile that totally matched the animals.
....sorry this happened. The whole set sounds so perfect.
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