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Old 08-12-2011, 01:19 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Stoughton, WI
Posts: 412

I love the quilt and I agree that a little more yellow would be nice. How do you get your quilts done so fast. Perhaps you'd like to come to WI and teach me how?

Well ladies I'm depressed. My walking buddy and good friend is moving out of town tomorrow. She is moving closer to where she goes for dialysis and I understand her need but I'm still sad. She will be living in the next town down the road so I can still see her sometimes. We are planning to meet every Thurs for brunch but I'm afraid that those plans might not work out.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my medical sisuation. Please keep up the good work.

I'm trying to get motivated to start walking again (by myself). The doc wants 30 min of exercise per day and swimming is questionable because with the hypoglycemia I get light headed and sometimes disoriented so they aren't so sure they want me in the water.

Well, I think I'll go work on my paper piecing. I'm getting good at pp the trees for my Seasons of Change quilt but I'm not sure I've learned the technique well enough to use in a different design. Anybody have any simple pp patterns. I want to make something small to practice the technique.

God Bless everyone. Have a great day and know my prayers are with you.
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