Old 08-12-2011, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by earthwalker
Originally Posted by LittleMo
Old Wives Tale: being Born in the Caul

This means that the amniotic sac doesn't break during the birth and the head is born still covered in the membrane. It doesn't happen very often even in natural births. It almost never happens in the hospital because the 'water' is so often broken artificially. Some say that a child born this way may have special intuitive powers, be destined to be a midwife, have extraordinary luck or never die by drowning.

My second son was born this way - and I think he has been very lucky in his life. I always tell people he is the kind of person who would fall into a bucket of doo-doo and come out smelling like a rose.

Once he was in a car accident (he was the driver) all the 4 other kids in the car were taken to hospital (nothing serious) and he was left on the side of the road without a scratch. There were no police charges either - and he was clearly in the wrong. I dont know how he got away with that one.

He has been very lucky in lots of things. Now if he could just win lotto so his mum could retire. :-D
I've heard this too....from memory in the old days didn't they save it as a talisman or something? Anyway, wish my second son was like yours.....one thing after another with my young fella....I could do with winning lotto, just to pay for the therapy I'll need to get through his and my life with some shred of sanity:)
I didnt say it was all smooth sailing earthwalker, there were times when I could have strangled him with my bare hands :lol: but he has come good in the last 2 years and now he has found a good girl as well. But for 27 years, if there was trouble, he would find it.

Sailors used it as a lucky charm when they were at sea.
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