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Old 08-12-2011, 09:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 887

My nails grow like crazy which makes my manicurist happy (go every 3 weeks or so) but they are really strong, naturally. She has to file with file designed for false nails. Don't know why they just grow well I guess. I recently tried the gel coating to protect them and it really ruined my nails. Once it was removed 3-4 weeks later my nails were thin and peeling. I called dermatologist and she said the gel coating is similar to acrylic used in acrylic nails and stops nails from getting air. It has taken almost 3 months to get my nails back strong like before. I do make a habit of keeping a base, 3 coats of color and a top coat on my nails all the time to prevent bad breaks but they hold up well to typing all day (I work on taxes and investment files all day), yard work, sewing, etc.
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