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Old 08-12-2011, 02:50 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Pinkiris
We planted the same pole beans at the end of May as we always do. Lots of vines and leaves sprouted. As of yesterday, we have harvested 3 (that's right, three) beans! We gave them a dose of Miracle Gro about 10 days ago. Plenty of rain this year, and we've watered when the garden got dry. Bean package says 62 days to harvest. We've passed that date!

Anybody else having this problem? My husband wonders if it's lack of bees for pollination. I can't imagine what the problem is, but I'm hungry for fresh green beans!

Sue :? :?
Could be! Try using some Q TIP sticks and brush many blossoms with them to polinate them yourself. One Q tip will polinate them all.
Do this often. - every day or every few days.
As soon as a blossom is polinated it starts to shrivel, and new ones come out.
If you have a small real feather duster that works even faster.
Try it with tomatoes and melons - almost everything in the garden needs polinating!
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