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Old 08-13-2011, 01:13 PM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349

My Mom used to make bread pudding when we were kids. I only ate it a few times because my whole family raved over it but they put it in a bowl while it was warm and pour cream or milk over it....yuck! ! ! I can't eat anything muchy and even though, I can't dunk a donut and put it in my mouth without choking, crazy huh! Now that I'm older, I realize that not everything that has milk over it gets mushy. LOL I guess it was one of those kid things like eating vegetables. And, I don't ever remember Mom saying I 'had' to put milk on it. I used to sneak in the frig later in the evening after we were finished dinner and scoop a little out of the tray and eat it cold, yum crazy things we do when we're kids, lololol...Anyhow, I remember her bread pudding being soooo good, with out the milk/cream...
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