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Old 08-13-2011, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by hopetoquilt
I got 40%. Teachers/School employees also get 20% this weekend! (I am a speech therapist in the public school system). I am going for the batting too.
I am a retired teacher (35 years) and loved having the Teacher discount. When I bought, I was buying for my classroom and for 26 - 42 students. I know of no other profession that expects its professionals to buy so much for their job. We used to be able to deduct it all on our income tax but then the government started limiting us on how much we could claim. Other professions, such as medical, law, etc., to my knowledge, didn't have the limits. I usually spent between $1500 - 2000 each school year as I taught in a very economically deprived school and bought school supplies, classroom supplies and materials, classroom snacks, art supplies, and, on many occasions, clothing for my students. Most of the teachers at my school and other area schools did the same. So the few dollars we got in discounts at some stores (God bless JoAnn's) really helped!

And, YAHOO!, I got 60%. I think I will play follow the leader and go for the batting!
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