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Old 06-08-2009, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by quiltncrazy
sewjoyce wrote: my step-daughter is 32!

OIC...well, then...go ahead and wail on her...would love to know what she did to get you so stirred up..but none of mine...less'n you want to spill? I must be getting bored, cause i got plenty to do in cave, lOL!
want to live vicariously thru board-ers! Joyce, hang in there...what goes around, comes around :wink:
Some day, when you have lots of time -- I'll tell ya! Honest :lol: :lol:

But a short preview -- she has 3 little girls (all by different fathers and wasn't married to any of them); she changes men often (the one she's with now has been around for almost a year -- I figure his days are numbered); she lies; she steals; she was on meth for a while and lost custody of her girls for over 6 mos.; etc. :x :x

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