Thread: perfect circles
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Old 08-14-2011, 07:49 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 16

I go one step further, by actually using a square pieces of fabric (right sides together), drawing my circle on the lighter piece, stitching the circle through both pieces of fabric and than carefully cut a slit in the side that is not going to show.

It is easier to sew a circle on a square and not have it come out mis-shapped than trying to sew around a circle piece of fabric.

I than cut a scant fourth of inch around the circle with pinking shears and than I do not have to clip around the circle.

Cherry in Texas
Originally Posted by bluteddi
not sure how u would addapt it but
1. I make perfect circles but cutting one circle in desired fabric and one circle to match either out of matching fabric of coordinating or muslin.
2. Place right sides together...
3. stitch around circle, yes ALL the way around
4. on wrong side, I cut a small slit ( careful not to cut the desired fabric
5. clip edges
6. birth circle thru slit
7. press right side of fabric
8. applique or whip stitch to desired area

Nice round edges....

I made an entire quilt using this method
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