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Old 08-14-2011, 08:29 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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My mom used to make Kumle (koomlah) When we didnt have ham in the house, she made potato pancakes this same way, but fried them in a cast iron skillet with butter. She would whip up a big batch, and save half in the refrigerator for breakfast the next morning.
Is this one similar?
Cook up a small picnic ham. Save the water.
Dice up 10 lbs potatoes in a meat grinder. Chop up the ham and dice through the meat grinder. Chop up the onion very fine. Add the onion, 1 TBSP salt, 1 TBSP baking powder to the potato/ham mixture. Roll in flour to make a patty. Boil the ham water. Drop the potato patties into the water and cook for 20 min. Serve with butter.
Norwegian and proud of it.
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