Old 08-14-2011, 08:54 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Newfoundland, Canada/ Gulf Breeze, FL
Posts: 34

Actually.... many years ago I dropped my small rotary cutter which landed on my foot, close to the toes. Blood went everywhere and I couldn't stop it!!! Since neither hubby nor kids were at home, called 911 and they quickly came. After treating it, they asked a few questions, beginning with "Was I feeling depressed or suicidal?" I just about died from laughing so much!!!! The other EMT just looked at him and said "Dude, my wife has one of those things, if you're going to commit suicide you wouldn't use it on your foot!!!" Few stitches later and I was all fixed up. I think I will always remember my rotary cutter adventure!!
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