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Old 08-15-2011, 04:25 AM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349
Default funny...we used to have a 150 ob choco lab and a 90 lb lab-shephern mix. They followed me around everywhere. Everytime I went to the bathroom, 4 eyes were staring at me. I take a shower and my husband sits on the toilet, lid down, and we have conversations through the shower curtain...Is nothing sacred anymore??? I thought about putting a lock on the door but they'd only yell through the Our previous house had a claw foot and when my son was very young he's come into the bathroom when I was taking a bubble bath and sit on the toilet seat, lid down, and want to talk. Like My son is grown, thank God, and no longer comes in the bathroom. Now, if I could only train my husband better, lololol.....
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