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Old 06-10-2009, 05:35 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Salem Iowa
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Thanks everyone! and Jerrie I am glad your daughter did not get hurt any worse than a few bumps and bruises!

I rolled a car when I was 17 due to icy roads and the backwash of a semi so I remember how scary it was and it wasn't my fault. I didn't lose my license but it was a possibility! The car left the road and entered a deep deep ditch spun the car front to back and rolled it landing upside down and crushed the rear up to the back of the front seat. All that was left was the front seat! My bff was with me and another girl had not been able to go. Had she been with us she would have been dead.
We walked away with nothing but Julie got a small bump on her head.
My dad teased me til he died about my convertible renault! It spent the rest of it's days in a junk yard being used as a bed for the goats!

When Cody had his first accident he in Illinois driving home from a job site to Winfield Iowa It was 9pm at night and this elderly couple were driving on the wrong side of a divided highway. They met head on at the top of a hill. Cody was driving a heavy duty Ford 350 work truck and if it hadn't been for that the boys would have been dead. They had conduit pipe in the back of the truck and it smashed through the back window and hit the headrest behind Cody's head. There wasn't much left of the truck!! My son called me at 3 Am and said Cody's been in an accident but he's alright!
He wasn't going to die but he was pretty messed up!!!! Because of the facial bones broken and the broken jaw he could only write to communicate. He went through several surgeries and several months of therapy to walk again. He works for his dad in Nathan's company Woodsmall Electric so his job was not a problem thank the Lord! He will always have a metal piece in his jaw where they put it back together but he is good as new now!

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