Thread: I'm learning
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Old 08-17-2011, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by tms
A gift is just that... a gift. It should be freely given, with no strings attached, or you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The value of the gift, and handmade, or not, should not matter. You either want to give a gift and expect nothing in return, or you are expecting "payment" for the present even if it is as small as acknowledgement. Then when you are not acknowledged, thanked, praised or offered money, your feelings are hurt. I understand this. I have been there. However, the fault is mine and/or yours, for expecting "payment". You either want to give something and truely expect nothing in return, thus a "gift" or you should make your expectations clear and express your hurt feelings, or forgive and forget it. You are only hurting you by being upset about it or looking for "reward or payment" in round-about ways.
Sorry for writing a book. Hope this helps everyone. God bless us all!!!
Lots of love, Teresa
This is so true! Thanks Teresa for the reminder to us all. Are we looking for the "praises" of people, when it should be about the gift and not the giver! The Lord sets us that example so well, too bad we dont always follow that!
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