Thread: snakes alive
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Old 08-18-2011, 03:58 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 231

eons ago when I was a kid my grandmother had a king snake living on the front porch. then he moved into the flower bin of the pantry. you'd pull it down and there he'd be. he decided that was his spot. dad took him down into the field across the road. next day he was back. then hauled him about a mile up the road. couple days later back. then took him up about eight miles. week later was back. dad was logging at the time so put him in a sack and took him up in the mountains and this time he never came back. we now live in my grandparents house and I have the pantry. everytime I look at it I think of that snake. we have killed three rattlesnakes this year. my cousin over the hill has lost two dogs due to snakebite this year. I can handle spiders but not snakes.
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