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Old 08-18-2011, 05:26 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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My sister is in that same boat. Her class action law suit says that she will pay nothing, and if they win (they obviously expect to win) they will get over 40 percent. But sister says that since she started with nothing and only found out about this medicine's side effects, she is still ahead of the game.
She had had many side effects that no one had ever mentioned was caused by this medicine for ..I think gastric reflux or something like that. It was SUPPOSED to be taken for only 5 weeks or so, but 3 doctors continued it for 30 YEARS! And only when the last one was leaving town did he phone her and casually mention that it might be a good idea to stop it. So when she saw the TV mention that drug, she called them..all doctors' records were still intact and a court order got them opened.
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