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Old 06-12-2009, 12:39 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Originally Posted by Ninnie
Ol, so I've been around the board twice, toured terri's beautiful island again!, and still nothing here!
Come on Patches, it's time to give that new foal up!
might as well go put a pot of coffee on.
I have this cool coffee maker. It's the Keurig. Makes individual cups. Has little K-cups that you use. I LOVE IT!
We still have our big pot for weekends, but the K-cups are great just for me. If I made a pot, it would mainly get wasted and tossed out. Would get all too strong for me to drink, no matter how I made it. So, the K-cup system now works best. PLUS...I can have whatever kind of coffee I want without making a full pot. If I want flavored, and hubby doesn't, I can make us each a cup of what we want. You can also get tea and hot chocolate too! It's awesome!
Ok,,,,station break is over lol
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