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Old 08-19-2011, 01:26 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
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With friends like that, who needs enemies?

YOU spent the money on the long arm,

YOU would be spending the money on the thread, maintenance, etc.

YOU would be spending the time on the thing - I would think it would take almost as long to set up a "little" quilt as a "big" quilt - I don't know - but that's the part I would dread

If you really don't want to do it - quote a ridiculously high price - and if they scream and holler - say "Hey, feel free to go elsewhere - I really don't want to do this" -

and maybe stop at that part of the sentence - I would be tempted to add "for cheapskates that have no comprehension of what's involved" - but you may want to talk to these people again or deal with them - so some politeness may be in order. :mrgreen:

As someone else said - just because someone else chose to give away her services - no need for you to do the same.
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