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Old 08-19-2011, 05:30 PM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349

I just this year started quilting so I don't have a specific area for quilting supplies. I bough an armoire that I store my fabric that I'm accumulated as well as other craft supplies. We're going to start some remodeling, again, this winter and I plan on making an area just for me. I haven't quilte figured out where that going to be yet. My son, who is 27, is still at home and my third bedroom, which is very small, we remodeled into a walk in closet. It's great to have the closet space but now I don't have an extra room. I plan on purging the house this winter, getting rid of everything I haven't used in a year, which might turn out to be alot of 'stuff'. I just finished a quilting class and I have all of my applique pieces and fabric in a cloth bag. For now, I curl up in my favorite chair, turn on the tv (for companionship mostly, can't sew and watch tv a the same time) and work on my applique project. Hopefully, by the end of this winter I'll have a space all my own...Yippie! ! !
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