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Old 08-20-2011, 10:40 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 294

Originally Posted by justflyingin
Originally Posted by MsEithne
Originally Posted by Susie Quilter
Please let me know if everyone quilts on Sunday, or is that a day that you you take off from quilting. The reason that I ask is because my Mother-in-law always told me that I shouldn't sew or quilt on Sunday.
This strikes me as going back to the Abrahamic religions' prohibition of working on the Sabbath.

If that is so, then isn't this a question for your theological authority? Because, really, what I do as a Buddhist may not be appropriate at all for someone of an Abrahamic faith.
How very true. But the Jewish Sabbath was from Fri. night til Sat. night. So, if we going to be true to the Jewish Sabbath, that is when we shouldn't sew, or cook, or walk very far, or drive a car, or turn on a light switch, or use anything electronic, or...... :)
Well, that covers 1/3rd of the Abrahamic faiths. What about the Christian sects, which usually consider Sunday as the Sabbath? And the last of the three great Abrahamic faiths, Islam, observes a special prayer on Fridays.

This is why I think that such a question needs to be posed to the specific individual's theological authority.
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