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Old 08-21-2011, 10:00 AM
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Location: Jefferson, MA
Posts: 137

Originally Posted by sall
I spoke to my cousin a few days ago, who has had the decorators in. She started doing a bit of clearing out, and found she still had her 21st birthday cards (she is 70). When her daughter called, the question she asked was (qoute) "If I dropped dead tomorrow what would you do with all these cards and things" reply from her daughter. " I would just throw them all out". I suddenly realised that I still had my 21st cards and loads of other cards such as invitations, thank you cards etc and realised that my children would do exactly the same. Looking at my 21st cards ( I am 75) I cannot remember who some of the people were. Well this then started me on a clear it all out spree, and I cannot believe the junk I have kept over the years. I have one spare single bed, and would you belive, I have 4 duvets for that one bed, and six covers for the duvet, and I might add that the bed is only used occasionally.The charity shop is due for a car load of goods from me next week.
Are we all like this, or are many of you more organised. I must add that I am exhausted after bit all.
My elderly (85) neighbor passed away earlier in the year, and I am the executor of her estate.

She must never have thrown a scrap of paper away! I found her mother's birth certificate, her high school calling cards, the owner's manual of every single appliance she ever owned (virtually none of which were currently in the house), valentines she received as a small child, every single cancelled check, the 'for sale' sign that was on her house when it was purchased 64 years ago, etc., etc.

It's taken me all summer to just get through the paperwork. I didn't mentioned the 10+, 4" thick photo albums with multiple photos in each slot! And journals from 30 years (that she should have burned before she died!) And so many sets of china that I've lost count!

I'm now cleaning and decluttering my own house like the energizer bunny! Never do I want to leave such a big job to my family!!

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