Old 08-22-2011, 05:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: sydney australia
Posts: 129

Like most retirees, I wonder how I found time to work. One reason is that I have slowed down a lot and don't try to cram too much into one day -- eg if I have a doctor's appointment, well that is Tuesday spoken for-- whereas when working I would have squeezed that appointment in before or after work. I enjoy having the time to help people eg pick up elderly neighbour to take to doctor -- I feel it's my repayment to the world for those who helped me when my daughter was young, and after my husband died. My dog's social life (daily walks, agility and flyball training) are a regular commitment which keep me active, out in the fresh air and ensure I don't sleep in past 7.30! Other activities have continued and are now enjoyed more, because there is no rush--free time is the ultimate luxury for those who have worked full time all their lives.
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