Thread: Flour sacks
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Old 08-22-2011, 07:39 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
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Originally Posted by Quilt Mom
A little research into flour sacks will also show that the sacks originally used were printed. In the depression, companies sold goods (flour, sugar, animal feed, etc.) in fabric sacks. As added incentive to buy, the companies used fabrics that the housewife/mother would use for clothing, curtains, quilts. It is quite interesting to see the variety of items made from the old sacks. A friend of my mother's told of wearing underclothing that still had the brand name of the sugar company on it.

As to current flour sacks, there are still companies that use the fabric. We pay a premium for it here, to get flour in fabric. I have not used the flour sack (towels?) from Sam's. Let us know how it works.
My neighbors are both in their 70's and they remember all of their clothes made from the fabric from flour sacks. And I have seen a few quilts that Mrs Ester's mom made from them in the 40's and they are gorgeous! They were all prints but like you said they used the material for table cloths, quilts, curtains, aprons you name it. I have several of the old sacks that she had in a storage container that she gave me and then I heard that they are supposed to be selling flour in sacks like that again. I have been looking for them but havent found them yet.

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